Thursday, January 7, 2010

Malin Kundang

Malin kundang lived in a small village in West Sumatra. He lived with his mother, Nyi Ronggeng. They were very, very poor. After Malin Kundang became an adult, he decided to earn money in the big city. He was bored with his life now. He searched for a better life. And he went to the city and left his mother alone in their village.

Some years later, he earned money in that city and he became a rich man. He also married a girl, whose name was Nyi Roro Kidul. They were very happy because they were rich. Malin Kundang became more and more greedy. He also forgot his mother who still waited for him. One day, Malin Kundang and his wife went to Malin Kundang's village by sailing ship. That day, Nyi Ronggeng heard that there were a man and his wife who were very rich coming. Nyi Ronggeng felt that the man was her son who had gone many tears ago. Nyi Ronggeng ran to their sailing-ship. When she saw that man, she recognized her son. She shouted and called her son. "Malin Kundang ...Malin Kundang dear son." But Malin Kundang was too ashamed to acknowledge that the woman who was shouting was his mother. Malin Kundang's mother was very surprised that her son didn't want to acknowledge her. She became very angry. She put a spell on Malin Kundang to be a stone (like this paper). And Malin Kundang really became a stone.

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